Sparks Fostering Team
I qualified in social work in 1989 and have always worked with children throughout my career. I worked as a child protection social worker for ten years for two Local Authorities. I worked closely with foster carers and could see what an important job they did for the children in their care. I became interested in therapeutic work with children and so after completing some further training I went to work in the NHS in CAMHS as a therapist in 1999 and have been there ever since. I work with children and young people with mental health problems and their parents/carers. My specialism is working with parents and am an accredited facilitator and supervisor of the Incredible Years parenting programme. In 2005 I started working freelance on fostering panels and now sit on a variety of different Independent Fostering Agencies both as a panel member and Vice-Chair. During this time I have also provided training on mental health, attachment and developmental trauma to foster carers in a number of different agencies. My personal interest in fostering comes from the fact that both my parents came to England on the Kindertransport and were both fostered when they arrived. My father regaled me with tales of how his foster carer would constantly threaten to “throw him out” and I am glad to say standards today are very different and I respect the professional job carers do for the benefit of children. I am married and have one son. In my spare time I enjoy going to the gym, going walking and seeing plays and films.